N.C. Forest Service - Education and Outreach
The NCFS continually strives to improve its outreach efforts to the citizens of North Carolina. These efforts are to ensure inclusive awareness and use of the agency's programs and services. Outreach efforts have several areas of focus. These areas include public and landowner outreach, career outreach and employee recruitment. The NCFS is committed to informing the public, farmers and forest landowners about the many roles forestry plays in our state's well being.
Landowner Outreach
About 83% of North Carolina's 18 million acres of forestland is privately owned. Keeping this vital natural resource healthy and productive depends on careful, science-based forest management. Through the N.C. Forest Service (NCFS), a landowner can learn how to access professional advice about managing his or her forest, including tree planting and forest pest eradication. The NCFS works to raise awareness of the management assistance and other offered programs and services to minority landowners, who have traditionally been underserved by the agency. Traditionally underserved landowner groups include African Americans, American Indians/Alaska Natives, Asians, Hispanics, Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders and women. A landowner may not be taking advantage of the agency's services due to reluctance to engage in governmental programs or because forestry isn't a priority for their farm management. But, thanks to partnerships with community-based organizations, local cooperatives, federal, state and county natural resource agencies, and other non-governmental organizations, the NCFS is able to reach an increasing number of minority communities and landowners.
Community Outreach
Many people welcome new information and ideas but prefer to remain in the comfort of their home when obtaining it. Therefore, the NCFS focuses on delivering information directly to communities. Agency personnel are available to organize presentations and meetings for landowner groups, cooperative or community organizations at any available community facility. Our staff can also assist with developing workshops and locating other natural resource professionals that can provide assistance. If you would like to develop a meeting or workshop for your community, or if you have other questions, please contact Christie Adams, NCFS information and education branch head, at 919-857-4819.
Career Outreach
To meet the challenges of sustaining North Carolina's vital natural resources, committed people are needed to fill roles in the NCFS as foresters, forest technicians, hydrologists, wildlife biologists, environmental researchers, administrative support staff and other important positions. A career path in forestry or natural resources is not only about being in the woods; its also about the implementation of forestry practices based on scientific research, social interaction, and economics, as well as interacting with a diverse array of people.
If you think a career in forestry or natural resources will connect you only with creatures of the woods, you are mistaken. A career path in forestry or natural resources will allow you too work in a variety of environmental systems and interact with people in ways you never dreamed of. This path will challenge you to develop new ideas and innovations to sustain our delicate ecosystems. A career in forestry or natural resources allows you to give back to your environment, your community, and your world.
Representatives from the NCFS are happy to participate in school career days and similar events. For more information, please contact Christie Adams, NCFS information and education branch head, at 919-857-4819.
N.C. Forest Service Employment Opportunities
Resources for Educators
Continuing Forestry Education
This page was last modified on 01/09/2025