N.C. Forest Service - BMP Video Series
Among the variety of education and training tools created by the NCFS are a series of videos that highlight Best Management Practices (BMPs) for forestry operations in North Carolina. While the videos are tailored to North Carolina's logging community, the material is presented in a manner that may be of interest to a general audience who would like to learn more about BMPs and water quality.
These videos are a joint product of the NCFS's Water Resources Branch and the Information & Education Branch, with funding provided by the US EPA's Nonpoint Source Management Program Section 319 Grant. A final grant report was produced in 2005 summarizing the application of federal grant funds to the project's success.
Thus far, each of the videos have been incorporated into the required Continuing Education Modules for the North Carolina ProLogger Program, administered by the North Carolina Forestry Association. The ProLogger Program requires annual continuing education training in order for participants to remain in good standing.
Each of the 5 videos listed below are available to view on YouTube. A limited number of video copies are available free of charge; please indicate if you prefer VHS or DVD format. You can request a copy by completing an Information Request form, or use the information below to contact us:
Video 1: Forestry Stream Crossings with Bridgemats. July 2005
This 11-minute video explains the benefits and methods for using portable, temporary bridgemats for establishing stream or ditch crossings during forestry operations. Bridgemats are heavy steel or wooden panels, and are ideal for water crossings. A companion document outlines important concepts contained in the video.
Video 2: Forestry Stream Crossings. July 2005
This 24-minute video captures much of the same material included with Video 1, but expands the discussion of BMPs to the other two major types of stream crossings commonly used in forestry; culverts and fords. A companion document outlines important concepts contained in the video.
Video 3: BMPs for Logging Skid Trails. July 2006
This 16-minute video highlights the major BMP concepts that can be applied in most cases on timber harvests. A special feature of this video is a real-time segment showing the construction of a waterbar on a forest road. While waterbars are a very useful water control device, their proper installation pose some challenges in determining the correct angles and layout. A companion document outlines important concepts contained in the video.
Video 4: Installing Silt Fence. August 2010
This 15-minute video demonstrates installation of silt fence for application on forestry sites. While silt fence can be a helpful BMP tool, it should not be relied upon as the primary means of sediment & erosion control. A companion document outlines important concepts contained in the video.
Video 5: Installing Erosion Control Matting. August 2010
This 12-minute video demonstrates installation of erosion control matting. Erosion control matting, sometimes known as excelsior matting, can be useful to allow grass seed to germinate on critical soil areas, such as alongside streams or on highly erodible soils. A companion document outlines important concepts contained in the video.
NCFS Water Resources Branch
1616 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1600
FAX (919) 857-4804
This page was last modified on 01/09/2025