Hives near field

The mission of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Apiary Program is to promote and protect the state's beekeeping industry. The Apiary Program provides disease and disorder inspections and fumigation services in an effort to control diseases and pests of the beekeeping industry. Additionally, the Apiary Program provides educational workshops to educate the state's beekeepers on the biology and treatment of mite and disease pests of honey bees and Africanized bees. Promotional effects are achieved through lectures to county and state beekeeping organizations or any other groups that are interested in apiculture or related topics.

P.l. larvae

Paenibacillus larvae, the causative organism in American foulbrood.

Honey Display at State Fair

 Honey Display at the State Fair

The Apiary Program is also responsible for the bee and honey display at the North Carolina State Fair in Raleigh and the Western Carolina State Fair in Asheville. Apiary Program personnel participate in most of the State's county and regional fairs.

The Apiary Program in cooperation with the Food and Drug Protection Division of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services provides honey house sanitation inspections. 

Additional Apiary Program Sites and Related Links:

For Additional Information Contact:

Plant Protection Section - Don Hopkins - Apiary Inspection Supervisor 
Mailing Address: 1060 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1060 
Phone: (919) 218-3310; FAX: (919) 233-8394

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