Plant Industry - Plant Conservation Program

About The Plant Conservation Program

The Plant Conservation Program is responsible for the listing and protection of North Carolina's endangered plants and threatened plant species. It was established by passage of the Plant Protection and Conservation Act in 1979. The program maintains the list of Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern plant species; enforces regulations and issues permits concerning state-listed plant species; carries out field projects in biology, monitoring and managing populations of listed species; provides educational materials to the public; and monitors trade in American ginseng. The Act also established the Plant Conservation Board, a regulatory board representing botanical, horticultural, conservation, forestry, and agricultural interests, and the Plant Conservation Scientific Committee, an advisory group to the Board and the Program.


The mission of the NC Plant Conservation Program is to protect and conserve North Carolina’s imperiled native plants in their natural habitats, now and for future generations.To accomplish its mission, the North Carolina Plant Conservation Program (PCP) develops regulations, voluntary programs, and cooperative partnerships to help protect imperiled species and their habitats. PCP's responsibilities include the listing of North Carolina's endangered and threatened plant species and the development of conservation programs designed to permanently protect these species.
PCP employs a host of methods and procedures to perpetuate native plants and their ecosystems, including the acquisition and management of important plant sites and habitats.

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