Plant Industry - N.C. Seed Board

N.C. Seed Board

Contact: Dr. Dianne Farrer ,  Seed and Fertilizer Program Administrator, Phone: (919) 707-3756, Email:

The N.C. Seed Law provides the opportunity for individuals who believe they have suffered damage from the failure of agricultural or vegetable seeds to perform as labeled or warranted or as a result of negligence, to have the issue investigated and heard before the N.C. Seed Board as an alternative to filing a court action.

To engage in this process, the purchaser of seed must file a complaint with the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in time for the seed, crop, or plants to be inspected.  The failure to follow this procedure will limit any damages that may be recovered.

How do I File a Claim with the N. C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services?

  • Complaints must be filed in a timely manner providing an opportunity for NCDA&CS staff to conduct a thorough investigation.

  • An individual desiring to have an issue investigated by the N.C. Seed Board must complete and submit the Request for arbitration by the N.C. Seed Board, Form SF07 and the Seed Arbitration Grower Data Form, Form SF08.

  • The submitter must forward a copy of the completed package, along with a check in the amount of $100, payable to the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.  The package must be mailed to: Steve Troxler, Commissioner, NCDA&CS, 1001 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1001. 

  • A copy of the completed package must also be sent, by registered or certified mail, to the seed dealer for which the complaint originated.

  • It would be advisable to contact the NCDA&CS-Seed and Fertilizer Program Administrator to notify of the arbitration submission.  
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