Acquisition is the process of gaining ownership or control of real estate. We are responsible for the acquisition of real property assets; specifically, the land and buildings within the NC Department of Agriculture. Acquisitions include leases and land purchases for our department. 

Leases: Division Management determines if there is justification to acquire new office space or land. If there is a need, the Property Agent will require an email or letter from the Division requesting the lease and will determine if it falls within Departmental Guidelines and begin the process of drafting a lease. 

Land Purchases: Executive Management will determine if there is a justification for a land Purchase,  if so, the Property Section will begin the process and submit paperwork to be approved by the Department of Administration and the Council of State. 


PO1 Acquisition of Real Property

PO28 (To be filled out By Tower Company/Lessor)

Property Reporting Form (Filled out by the requesting Division when new building is added)

Fire & Safety Checklist (Filled out By Supervisor of site/ Safety Representative)