Agricultural Hall of Fame - B.C. MANGUM

1908 - 1982

People make organizations an excellent example of all that is North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation under the leadership of B.C. Mangum.

Photo of B.C. Mangum

His versatile career included merchandising with Montgomery Ward Company in New York and the Midwest, farming in Person County, the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Triple A, in 1935 and eventually, being its state's administrative officer and vice chairman of the state committee.

In 1946, B.C. Mangum went in to the farm machinery business in Henderson. During that period, he became highly active in Farm Bureau. He reorganized the Henderson Farm Bureau and served as its president for four years. At the same time, he was president of the Henderson Chamber of Commerce.

The excellence he demonstrated in all his jobs made him highly qualified for the appointment that would cap his career, president of the North Carolina Farm Life Insurance Company.

Early in his adult life, Mangum became affiliated with Farm Bureau. In 1954 he was elected a director of North Carolina Farm Bureau, and a year later he was named vice president of the corporation and member of the executive committee. Five years later, he became president of the Bureau's several affiliate companies.

Mangum was not an imported export. He was a homegrown North Carolinian born in Moriah in Person County. Following high school, his first job was with a Durham wholesale firm. But joining Montgomery Ward led to his first big success. That was marrying Irene Brockway of Iowa. Later, he brought her back to the family farm in Person County.

This was just the beginning of his many contributions which included five children: Mack, Conley, Bill, John and Jane. The Mangums raised their children in a religious atmosphere, the same that was instilled in B.C. as a child in the small Baptist church near their farm.

As a man of high integrity, he demonstrated unselfish devotion to family, friends and fellow workers. Compassion was part of his nature. During the Christmas season, Mangum spent time, effort and money preparing fruit baskets and treats for the less fortunate.

His church and civic work manifested itself in his job. He put his employees first before any personal desire. People in the organization were treated equally. He was determined discrimination would never exist among his personnel.

An example of his concerned, people-oriented leadership was his creation of a service-to-member program begun during his administration with the Farm Bureau. The program saved millions of dollars for farm families through group purchases of supplies such as tires, batteries and accessories. The program is now in most states.

B.C. Mangum's business prowess was one of his long suits. His solutions to problems resulted from careful analyses and thorough studies. Never did he recommend Farm Bureau to make a move unless he could see success. He did not hesitate, however, to stand alone on an issue when he felt he was right.

One of his most effective tools was the use of time. For B.C. Mangum, there was always enough to get the job done and there were many jobs. He served on so many boards and committees and belonged to so many agricultural, civic and educational organizations, it boggles the minds of most people. One of those on which he served was the North Carolina Agricultural Hall of Fame. Obviously, as a result of his tireless, quality hard work, he earned countless awards.

The last one, so far, is the one being bestowed today, an enshrinement in the North Carolina Agricultural Hall of Fame. It is fitting because of his life. Though he is no longer here in mortal form, his memory will live on due in part to the Hall of Fame he loved with the same fervor he loved people and agriculture.

Elected to
the North Carolina