Agricultural Hall of Fame - CLARENCE HAMILTON POE

January 10, 1881 - October 8, 1964

Clarence Poe dedicated his life to the betterment of North Carolina agriculture. He was a devoted friend of the farmer, emphasizing improved farm policies through the Progressive Farmer, a journal which he edited for 65 years. An untiring leader, Dr. Poe served as chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of North Carolina State College when it was primarily an agricultural and engineering school. He was a member of the State Board of Agriculture from 1913 to 1931, and chairman of the State Farmers' Convention and the State Dairyman's Association.

Clarence Poe

He also served as master of the North Carolina Grange. He worked steadfastly with many national groups seeking improvements in farm tenancy and rural electrification. In his role as a champion of rural education, he stressed the importance of cultural pursuits, serving as director of the North Carolina Art Society for 34 years, and as president of the North Carolina Literary and Historical Association. Five colleges and universities recognized his lasting contributions to public service with honorary degrees. An agricultural statesman, Dr. Poe extended his inspirational leadership to the areas of literature, economics, education and social service.

Elected to the North Carolina