Pesticide Field Operations
Field Services Forms
Field Services
The Field Operations Unit will conduct compliance assistance inspections upon request during normal business hours. All inspections include information specific to your operation on how to comply with the applicable parts of pesticide laws and regulations.
On these prearranged visits, our inspectors will meet with the business owner or manager, conduct an inspection, explain the various areas of the law affecting the business, complete an inspection report and discuss findings with management. If non compliance is observed, the inspector will give a set time for corrective measures to be taken. A follow-up inspection may be required.
Where serious non-compliance is observed, management must take immediate corrective action or prepare a plan of action to resolve the non-compliance as rapidly as possible in order to reduce the threat of imminent hazard and avoid possible more severe regulatory consequences.
Benefits of Compliance Assistance
- Protect workers and others from pesticide exposure
- Protect the environment
- Promote responsible pesticide use
For more information on compliance assistance or to schedule an on-site inspection, contact Pat Farquhar at 984-236-4575.
Endangered species are plants and animals that are rare and are in danger of becoming extinct. Threatened species are those plants and animals whose populations are low and are decreasing in number and are likely to become endangered. Presently there are more than 600 federally listed endangered and threatened species. Their dwindling population may have resulted from various contributing factors such as changes in the ecosystem, pollution from use of various chemicals including pesticides, etc. Once a species become extinct its retrieval is impossible.
Federal Endangered Species Act
The intent of the endangered species act is to promote recovery of endangered and threatened species. Under the endangered species act, the EPA must ensure that federally listed threatened and endangered species or their critical habitats are not harmed by the normal use of pesticides it registered. In an effort to accomplish this goal the EPA is developing a program which will protect endangered and threatened species from harm due to the normal use of pesticides. In the EPA proposed "Endangered Species Pesticide Protection Program", pesticides assessed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service as having the potential to adversely affect a listed species will have labeling requesting its users to consult with a county "Endangered Species Pesticide Use Bulletin", prior to using the pesticide. The county bulletin will consist of a county map that shows the restricted area(s) and use restrictions or limitations that apply to the pesticide.
The Role of the Pesticide Section
The Pesticide Section is the State Lead Agency in the regulation of pesticide registration, licensing, application and enforcement. The Pesticide Section reviewed and coordinated comments from various agencies on the identity of the critical habitat for threatened and endangered species of North Carolina. Upon completion of the EPA's Endangered Species Pesticide Protection Program, through an agreement, the Pesticide Section will facilitate the implementation/enforcement of the program. Please be reminded that the program is in the developmental stage and is not yet being implemented. However, pesticide applicators are encouraged to protect our endangered and threatened species and their critical habitat. Currently there are three "Interim Measures" endangered species county bulletins that are available, one for Henderson County for protection of Bunched arrowhead, Sagittaria fasciculata an endangered plant, one for Mitchell County and one for Avery County for protection of Blue Ridge goldenrod, Solidago spithamaea, also an endangered plant. Other endangered species interim measures bulletins are being printed for other endangered and threatened species that are found in other counties.
Other endangered species information and materials can be found at the following site(s): EPA - Endangered Species Kid's Site
For more information on endangered species contact Henry Weaver at 984-236-4575.
The Enforcement Response Unit serves as the lead in responding to citizen complaints and in coordinating pesticide investigations. This Unit works with pesticide inspectors, chemists, epidemiologists, plant specialists, animal specialists, local law enforcement, veterinarians, and many other local, state and federal agencies in coordinating all of the events necessary to complete an investigation. Once enforcement specialists pull all parts of an investigation together, they meet with the NC Attorney General's Office to determine if any pesticide violations have occurred. The Pesticide Section is authorized to negotiate settlements of enforcement actions if the alleged perpetrator wishes to avoid a formal hearing before the N.C. Pesticide Board. If a settlement cannot be reached, the Enforcement Response Unit and the Attorney General's Office present the State's case before the North Carolina Pesticide Board in a formal hearing.
This Unit is also involved in ensuring environmental remediation when appropriate. For instance, in the event of a pesticide spill, the Department will negotiate cleanup for the contaminated area before agreeing to any settlement. This type of enforcement not only requires corrective action on the part of the accused but also ensures that environmental repair or remediation will take place.
The Enforcement Response Unit provides the first stage of response to citizen's complaints, works throughout an investigation to ensure all necessary evidence is obtained, and reports back to complainants after an enforcement case is closed. The Enforcement Response Unit plays an important role in helping the Pesticide Section accomplish its objective in administering and enforcing the NC Pesticide Law of 1971 and regulations adopted by the NC Pesticide Board.
- Pesticide Misuse or Possible Exposure Reporting Form (English)
- Declare el uso indebido de pesticidas o una posible exposición a pesticidas (Espanol)
For more information contact Pat Farquhar at 984-236-4575
Pesticide spills and fires are very dangerous to humans and wildlife. No matter how careful you try to run your business operations, accidents can sometimes happen. The Pesticide Section of the NCDA&CS has trained staff with experience in handling concerns associated with pesticide fires and spills.
Anytime water is near a pesticide spill or fire then the pesticide has potential to cause damage to wildlife. This problem should be reported and corrected as soon as possible in order to handle it effectively.
If you have any questions or comments about pesticide emergencies, or if you need information on the cleanup of an accident, contact the NCDA&CS Pesticide Section at 984-236-4575.
For pesticide emergencies during non-business hours call the NC Dept of Environmental Quality at 800-858-0368.
The North Carolina Pesticide Law of 1971 authorizes agents of the NC Dept of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Pesticide Section, to sample test, inspect, and make analyses of pesticides distributed, sold or offered for sale within this State. Official regulatory samples taken in the marketplace or at manufacturing establishments are analyzed for compliance to labeled guarantees of active ingredients. Products tested include agricultural use pesticides, home and garden products,
disinfectants, industrial and manufacturing use products and others.
Summary information is available in printed form in the Annual Pesticide Report.
Distribution, storage and disposal regulations for North Carolina have been adopted by the N.C. Pesticide Board in order to protect public health and the environment.
Distribution of bulk pesticides in North Carolina requires a twenty-four-hour notification to the NCDA&CS. Regulations also mandate storage tank specifications, labeling requirements, recordkeeping, and storage tank location requirements. notification to the NCDA&CS Pesticide Section detailing the exact location of each bulk storage tank is required annually. The notification shall be at least 15 days prior to the filling of the tank.
Notification to the NCDA&CS Pesticide Section is required for 10,000 pounds or more of pesticides delivered to a storage facility in a single year. Additional storage requirements are outlined for storage facilities storing restricted use pesticides, and distinction is made between large facilities and smaller facilities. Contingency plans are required in the event of an emergency where release of pesticides into the environment is a possibility.
Pesticide disposal regulations first suggest use of excess pesticide in a labeled manner, before any other disposal is considered. Pesticide disposal shall be in accordance with the labeling. Pesticide containers are to be triple-rinsed or equivalent, and then the containers shall be disposed of according to labeling. Pesticides and pesticide containers shall not be openly dumped, burned, or water or ocean dumped.
For information on pesticide container storage, disposal or container recycling or to receive a copy of these regulations, call the NCDA&CS Pesticide Section at 984-236-4575.
For information concerning procedures for discarding unwanted pesticides, please contact Derrick Bell at 984-236-4575. Pesticide Disposal Assistance Program
Record Keeping Information
For questions or if additional assistance is required, please contact the NCDA&CS Pesticide Section at 984-236-4575. Directions
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