Structural Pest Control and Pesticides - Pesticide Section
Pesticide Section
Mission Statement
To protect the public health, safety and welfare, and to promote continued environmental quality by minimizing and managing risks associated with the legal use of pesticides through administration and enforcement of the N.C. Pesticide Law of 1971 and pursuant regulations adopted by the N.C. Pesticide Board.
Certification & Training Changes
Frequent Topics Quick Links
CCU Transcript Search
- Pesticide Environmental Programs
- Recordkeeping Requirements
- Pesticide Misuse/Exposure Complaint - Enforcement Response Unit
- Pesticidas uso indebido de pesticidas o una posible exposición - Unidad de Respuesta a la Aplicación de la Ley
For questions or if additional assistance is required, please contact the NCDA&CS Pesticide Section at 984-236-4575. Directions
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