Pesticide Product Registration
As specified in Section 143-442 of the North Carolina Pesticide Law of 1971, all pesticide products are to be registered with the state before being offered for sale. The Structural Pest Control & Pesticides Division’s Pesticide Registration Unit is responsible for executing this portion of our law. To accomplish this, unit personnel ensure that appropriate fees have been submitted, document/deposit the fees, and process new product applications, renewal forms, and registration certifications. Unit staff also review product labeling, field questions regarding our registration process, and provide guidance on how to meet both state and federal pesticide registration requirements. Approximately 16,000 pesticide products are registered in North Carolina each year.
Even though federally registered pesticide labeling has been reviewed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), our staff conducts a supporting review to help ensure only properly labeled products are eligible for purchase in North Carolina. In addition to the federally registered pesticides, North Carolina also requires registration of what the EPA defines as “minimum risk pesticides”, identified in 40 CFR §152.25(f). Pesticides that meet the EPA’s requirements for minimum risk status are not required to be federally registered, and their labeling has not been reviewed by the EPA. However, since they do make pesticidal claims, they are required to be registered in North Carolina. Registration Unit staff review the labeling of these pesticides to help ensure they meet the requirements set by the EPA. Guidance is often extended to registrants to help them better understand how to structure their labeling to meet minimum risk standards.
Registration Unit staff also process Stop Sale, Stop Use, or Removal Orders for pesticides that have not been properly registered prior to being sold in the state or for those that bear misbranded labeling.
For general pesticide registration questions, please email us at
For questions or if additional assistance is required, please contact the NCDA&CS Structural Pest Control & Pesticide Division at 984-236-4625. Directions
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