Structural Pest Control and Pesticides - Pesticide Field Staff

The Field Operations Unit of the Pesticide Section, NCDA&CS has the responsibility to carry out, on a statewide basis, the inspection and investigative functions of all  mandated pesticide  programs.  The unit is made up of a total of 22 individuals located in Raleigh as well as various towns across North Carolina.  

The inspection programs include, but are not limited to, registration, chemigation, pesticide product testing, storage, licensing, application, use, worker safety, ground water and endangered species protection, and disposal. Investigations resulting from citizen complaints may involve the violation of one of the laws relating to the aforementioned programs.

One of the areas in which the field unit is devoting much time is compliance assistance.  Citizens of North Carolina have requested help to improve their understanding of pesticide related rules while gaining compliance with these rules which affect the operation of their businesses and the use of pesticides.  Working with citizens who voluntarily request this assistance, the state assures not only greater compliance, but more importantly reduces the chance for harm to human health or the environment that could have resulted from non-compliance.

Hover over your county for the local inspector and their contact information.

Pesticide Inspector Level I Territory Map

Pesticide Inspector Level II Territory Map


For questions or if additional assistance is required, please contact the NCDA&CS Pesticide Section at 984-236-4575.    Directions 

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