Structural Pest Control and Pesticides - Pollinators - Homeowners
Pollinator Health

What NCDA&CS is Doing

How You Can Help

- EPA Protecting Bees and Other Pollinators from Pesticides
- Chatham Mills “Pollinator Paradise” Garden - N.C. Cooperative Extension
- Pollinator Protection - NCSU, Center for IPM
- Plants for pollinators (pdf) - Pollinator Partnership
- Removing Bees from Structures
- Bee Removal FAQ (Forsyth Co Beekeepers)
- Honeybee Colony Removal from Structures (Clemson University)
- Removing Bees from Walls (LSU Ag Center)
- Conserving Bumble Bees (Xerces Society)
- Coordinating with other agencies and organizations to develop an N.C. Pollinator Protection Plan
- Structural Pest Control and Pesticides Division educates consumers and farmers on proper pesticide usage.
- The Agronomic Division helps homeowners improve management of land to maintain effective habitat areas.
- Division of Soil and Water Conservation helps landowners incorporate pollinator habitat areas into best management plans through consultations and cost-share programs.
What are Pollinators and why should you care?

Pollinators are bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and other animals that feed from flowers, transferring pollen in the process. Nearly 80% of all flowering plants need pollinators to transfer pollen between flowers in order to produce seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Approximately one out of every three bites of food you eat depends on the work of a pollinating animal.
Pollination also produces seeds and fruits that feed birds and other wildlife. Many blooming plants depend on pollinators for survival, and globally many pollinators are declining from a variety of causes. When you use pesticides, you could unintentionally harm pollinators and other beneficial insects. Your careful actions can prevent harming pollinators.
What is a Pesticide? A pesticide is a substance used to control unwanted plants, insect pests, rodents, or plant diseases. Pesticides include herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides, and fungicides. Because insects are the most prevalent pollinators, insecticides are the primary pesticide group to threaten pollinators. Herbicides, such as Roundup have little to no direct effect on pollinators.
Provide native plants for pollinator habitat

Consider these and other native plants for your landscape
- Annual Sunflower
- Aster Species
- Autumn Sneezeweed
- Bidens Species
- Black-Eyed Susan
- Blanket Coneflower
- Blue Vervain
- Clasping Cornflower
- Common Evening Primrose
- Hairy Beardtongue
- Ironweed
- Lance-Leaf Coreopsis
- Liastris Species
- Maximilian Sunflower
- Milkweeds
- Ohio Spiderwort
- Ox-Eye Sunflower
- Plains Coreospsis
- Purple Coneflower
- Spotted Beebalm
- Swamp Sunflower
- Solidago Species
- VA Mountain Mint
- Wild Senna