Structural Pest Control and Pesticides - Pesticide Reciprocity Information
Pesticide Reciprocity Information
North Carolina has reciprocal agreements with several states. Reciprocity is only granted to individuals who are residents of a state other than North Carolina. Once you become a resident of North Carolina, reciprocity is no longer an option and you must take the appropriate North Carolina exam(s) to become certified and licensed.
Commercial Ground Applicators
Non-residents of North Carolina can be issued a reciprocal North Carolina ground applicator's license provided they have proof that they are certified by written examination in Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina or Florida. A valid certification card must be presented before a reciprocal license will be issued. The cost of the reciprocal license is $75 per year. Recertification can be maintained through the applicator's home state or through earning the appropriate number of credits in North Carolina. Contact the NCDA&CS Pesticide Section at 984-236-4575 for information.
Private Pesticide Applicators
Non-residents of North Carolina can be issued a reciprocal North Carolina private pesticide applicator certification provided they have proof that they were certified by written examination. The cost of the reciprocal certification is $10 per three-year cycle. A valid certification card must be presented before a reciprocal certification will be issued. Recertification can be maintained through the applicator's home state or through earning the appropriate number of credits through North Carolina. Contact the NCDA&CS Pesticide Section at 984-236-4575 for information.
Pesticide Dealers and Consultants
North Carolina does not have reciprocity agreements for pesticide dealers or pest control consultants.
Aerial Applicators
Please contact the NCDA&CS Pesticide Section at 984-236-4575 for information and limitations on aerial reciprocal licenses.