Veterinary - Licensing & Forms

Many occupations and activities must be licensed or permitted. The Veterinary Division oversees the issuance and regulation of the licenses and permits shown below.

Tab/Accordion Items


A facility which is used to house or contain animals and which is owned, operated, or maintained by a duly incorporated humane society, animal welfare society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, or other nonprofit organization devoted to the welfare, protection and humane treatment of animals.


No person shall operate an animal shelter unless a certificate of registration for such animal shelter shall have been granted by the Director of Field Forces, Veterinary Division. Application for such certificate shall be made in the manner provided by the Director.


No fee shall be required for such application or certificate.


Animal Welfare Section
Office: (919) 707-3280



A facility or establishment which regularly offers to the public the service of boarding dogs or cats or both for a fee. Such a facility or establishment may, in addition to providing shelter, food and water, offer grooming or other services for dogs and/or cats.


No person shall operate a public auction or a boarding kennel unless a license to operate such establishment shall have been granted by the Director of Field Forces, Veterinary Division. Application for such license shall be made in the manner provided by the Director. The license period shall be the fiscal year, July 1 - June 30.


The license fee shall be seventy five dollars ($75.00) for each license period or part thereof beginning with the first day of the fiscal year.


Animal Welfare Section
Office: (919)707-3280

Kennel Wastewater Disposal

Kennel wastewater has been classified as an Industrial Process Wastewater and must be disposed to a Department of Environment Quality approved wastewater system. Typical approved wastewater systems are septic systems with drainfields, and land surface application systems.

To receive permits to install and operate a kennel using a septic system contact your local health department, Environmental Health Section. Your local health department has state-approved design criteria specifically addressing the special waste issues of kennels. 

To receive permits to install wastewater treatment and disposal systems other than septic systems contact your regional office of the Division of Water Resources.


Any person desiring to register a brand shall make application to the Commissioner of Agriculture.  Such application shall contain exact likeness of the brand desired for registration, name, address of the applicant.  No financial information shall be required from the applicant.


(a)  No brand shall be accepted for registration that:

 (1)        contains any numbers;

 (2)        because of shape would be difficult to read when affixed to the animal; or

 (3)        is a close likeness to another registered brand.

(b)  If practical, a brand shall be located on either the right or left hip to the rear of the hip bone.  In any event, the brand shall be easily read from a side or top view of the animal.


The brand registration fees shall be twenty five dollars ($25.00) for each brand period of ten (10) years beginning with the first day of brand registration.


Animal Health Programs/Livestock

Office (919) 707-3250


The NCDA&CS Vet Division licensing period coincides with the department fiscal year, July 1 – June 30. Renewal applications are welcomed as early as April 1st.

The associate license registration application is required for all *:

  1. Hatcheries (if more than 500 chicks, poults, etc. per week are being hatched)

  2. Chick Dealers

  3. Hatching Egg Dealers (if more than 250 hatching eggs per month are being sold)

  4. Poultry/Ratite Dealers

Please see Page 2 of the associated registration form for legal definitions of these categories and other legal requirements of businesses/facilities meeting their definitions.

* Dealers are exempt from licensure if all transactions are occurring solely at the physical/911 premise where birds/eggs reside or under the supervision of an auction licensed by the NCDA&CS Veterinary Division. Licensure exemption does not exempt dealers from other legal requirements outlined on Page 2 of the associated registration form.

Please Note:

  • No licensure is required from this division for shipping chicks or hatching eggs via the post
  • Veterinary Division licensure does NOT cover the sale of table eggs for consumption. For this, please consult:

    The Office of Meat and Poultry at (919) 707-3180 and
    The Office of Food and Drug Protection at (919) 733-7366


Animal Health Programs/Poultry
Office: (919) 707-3250, option 2 or (919) 707-3365

Facility requirements to meet Veterinary Division approval for exemption from the Department of Environmental Quality's Solid Waste and Non-discharge Wastewater rules.

NC Farm ID issues identification cards to livestock premises who obtains a National Premises Identification Number (PIN). You are not required to show this card at sales, auctions, or events. It is merely a more permanent and convenient proof of your premises registration.

If your card is lost or stolen, you can request another card by sending an email to, or by calling 919-707-3250. If the information on your card is incorrect or has changed since you filled out your NC Farm ID premises registration form, contact us with the correct information along with your PIN number to receive an updated replacement card.

Thank you for your participation in the NC Farm ID program and the National Animal Identification System. This is just one of the ways the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is working to keep the livestock in our state safe from the threat of disease.


A Livestock Dealer License is required for anyone wishing to engage in the buying and re-selling of livestock in the state of North Carolina. Any person desiring to be licensed as a livestock dealer shall make application to the Commissioner of Agriculture. Such application shall contain the address, both business and personal, of the applicant. No financial information shall be required from the applicant.


In addition to being licensed, you must also be bonded by the Packers and Stockyards Division of the United States Department of Agriculture, their Eastern Regional Office phone number is (404) 562-5840. The applicable law and regulations should be carefully reviewed so that you will be knowledgeable and can comply with them.

Whenever an applicant has complied with this Article, the Commissioner shall issue to such applicant a license which shall entitle the licensee to engage in the business of livestock dealer for a period of one year, unless such license is sooner suspended, or revoked in accordance with the provisions of this Article.


No fee shall be charged.


Animal Health Programs/Livestock
Office: (919)-707-3250


The dressed carcasses of pen-raised quail shall be offered for sale only when sealed in not readily resealable containers which shall bear a printed legend showing the name and address of the processor holding a valid permit. The label may clearly indicate the species of the quail in the container and shall clearly indicate that the contents are not wild game either by the use of the words "Pen-Raised," "Farm-Raised," or other similar wording approved by the Commissioner of Agriculture.


Any person processes for the purpose of sale any pen-raised quail for use as food shall register with the Department of Agriculture. Application for such certificate shall be made in the manner provided by the Director.


No fee shall be required for such application or certificate.


Animal Health Programs/Poultry
office: (919) 707-3250, option 2 or (919) 707-3365


A person or establishment that acquires for the purposes of resale animals bred by others whether as owner, agent, or on consignment, and that sells, trades, or offers to sell or trade such animals to the general public at retail or wholesale.


No person shall operate a public auction or a boarding kennel unless a license to operate such establishment shall have been granted by the Director of Field Forces, Veterinary Division. Application for such license shall be made in the manner provided by the Director. The license shall be for the fiscal year, July 1 - June 30.


The license fee shall be seventy five dollars ($75.00) for each license period or part thereof, beginning with the first day of the fiscal year.


Animal Welfare Section
Office: (919) 707-3250


Rendering operations meaning the processing of inedible whole or portions of animal or poultry carcasses including the collection of such raw material.


No person shall engage in rendering operations unless such person shall hold a valid license to do so. Applications for such a license can be obtained from the State Veterinarian's office.


Rendering Operation/Plant: $50.00 (one time fee) Collector: $50.00 (one time fee)


Animal Health Programs/Livestock
office: (919) 707-3250

What is Scrapie?

Scrapie is a fatal, degenerative disease affecting the central nervous system of sheep and goats. Scrapie does not affect humans. It is among a number of diseases classified as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE), and is caused by a prion. TSE’s occur in other species as well. In cattle prions are responsible for Mad Cow disease, and in deer Chronic Wasting Disease. Symptoms of Scrapie appear two to five years after exposure. Scrapie is thought to be spread from the ewe/doe to her offspring and other herd mates through contact with her placenta or placental fluids. Symptoms are due to central nervous system damage and can include the following; behavioral changes, tremor especially of the head and neck, grinding teeth, intense rubbing/chewing of the body and limbs leading to hair loss, abrasions, incoordination and gait abnormalities. Death occurs one to six months after symptoms appear. These symptoms are also seen with other diseases so it is important to involve your veterinarian in order to make an accurate diagnosis.

USDA and NC Tagging Requirements

Eartags: All official sheep and goat eartags must bear the official U.S shield. Tags are plastic or metal and come in a variety of styles, shapes, and colors. Official tags must have: Herd/Flock ID/Animal Numbers: Typically, the U.S. Postal Service state abbreviation followed by a series of numbers and/or letters. If the tag includes the flock’s national premises ID, it will not have the postal abbreviation.

Electronic Implant Device (EID): The EID, or microchip, may be used as official ID in the Scrapie Eradication Program if the animals are registered with a national registry association, and the implants are ISO compliant an obtained from a USDA approved manufacturer. Animals at exhibition, transported or sold must be accompanied by a microchip reader and the registration certificate. Animals sold without transfer of registration papers, such as to slaughter or through livestock markets, must be identified with visible official ID such as eartags or tattoos.

The U.S. Department Of Agriculture (USDA) requires that sheep and goats be identified with approved, official identification (ID) for scrapie when they enter the state, change ownership or move from their premises.