NCDA&CS Soil Sample Boxes

Samples MUST be submitted in an official NCDA&CS soil box. These are available from NCDA&CS Agronomic Services Division office in Raleigh, an NCDA&CS Regional Agronomist, county Cooperative Extension offices, or some counties may have hardware stores that have boxes.
What to Use to Collect a Soil Sample
To take a soil sample, you need a clean, plastic bucket, and a stainless-steel soil probe, shovel, spade or garden trowel.
Do not use brass or bronze tools because they will contaminate samples with copper. Galvanized buckets or tools will contaminate samples with zinc.
How to Collect

- Collect 15 to 20 cores per sample. Avoid combining areas of different soil types & fertilizer histories into one sample. Avoid fertilizer bands & ends of fields.
- A core should be 0 to 8 inches deep for plowed fields and 0 to 4 inches deep for no-till or pastures.
- Break up cores and mix soil in a plastic bucket.
- Use a waterproof marker to label a soil box with your name, address and a unique sample ID that will help you remember where the sample was collected. If you have a set of samples from the same farm, then you will want to group them together by adding the same Farm ID to each sample box.
- Fill the sample box up to the red fill. Do not overfill. Do not put tape on the soil box.
- Do not put soil in plastic bags.
How deep should samples be taken?
Crop you are wanting to sample for | Depth sample should be taken |
Field Crops | 8 inches |
Forage/Pasture Crops | 4 inches |
No-Till Field Crops | 4 inches |
* Note: If you are taking a sample to diagnose a suspected nutrient problem, take the sample within the plant root zone.
Correct Soil Condition
While soil moisture does not impact soil test results, extremely wet soils are difficult to collect and mix. Therefore, allow soil to drain before sampling. Soil too wet to till is too wet to sample. Your soil samples do not have to be completely dry to submit.
Examples of Insufficient Sampling

As you can see, the box was NOT filled to the red line. In addition, there is too much other debris which further limits the amount of soil available for testing.
This means that there is insufficient soil for the lab to complete all assigned tests; one or more tests may have to be eliminated.
This page was last modified on 12/05/2023