IMPORTANT: Soilless media, also known as potting soil or greenhouse media, or material that contains less than 50% native, mineral soil is NOT considered soil and should NOT be submitted to the soil testing lab. Please submit under Soilless Media Analysis.
Required Forms
Samples can be submitted in one of two ways:
- Submit samples online (Preferred). Once you have completed the information online, print the entire submission form and include it with your samples.
- Submit samples manually as predictive or diagnostic:
- Predictive, routine samples. Complete the Soil Sample Submission Form for Homeowners, print it, and include it with your samples.
- Diagnostic samples. Complete the Soil Sample Submission Form-Diagnostic, print it, and include it with your samples. Please note that Diagnostic testing is for problem samples only. Samples submitted without diagnostic information provided will be analyzed as predictive.
Samples will not be processed without the printed, submission form being included with them. Form must also be properly and completely filled out. A valid email addresses is essential for receiving your report. Physical copies of reports are not available by mail.
When filling out the sample information form, specify the crop(s) (lawn, vegetable gardens, flowers etc.) you plan to grow in order to get appropriate lime and fertilizer recommendations. Instructions and crop codes are shown on the back of the information form.
How to package

Package soil sample boxes tightly within a cardboard shipping container to lessen the potential of damage during shipping.
Do not tape the sample boxes.
Use only NCDA&CS soil sample boxes. DO NOT ship samples in paper envelopes or plastic bags.
Make sure your completed submission form is included with your samples.
Where to ship
By Mail:
- UPS or FedEx: 4300 Reedy Creek Rd, Raleigh, NC 27607
- US Postal Service: 1040 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699. Allow additional time for delivery.
By Courier: Many NCSU County Extension offices offer a courier service to deliver laboratory samples to the Agronomic Division. Contact your County Extension office to inquire if this service is available in your area.
In person: Soil samples may be dropped off at the Agronomic Division loading dock Monday-Friday between the hours of 7: 00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., except N.C. State holidays.
This page was last modified on 02/16/2024