Soil & Water - District Employee Professional Development
It is important for conservation partnership employees to continually develop their professional skills; the more knowledge the members of the NC conservation partnership can obtain, the better equipped they are to protect and conserve the natural resources of our state.
Individual Development Plans (IDPs) are required for each technical staff in the office in accordance with the Master Agreement between the district and the division. IDP is a clear statement of an employee's short, medium, and long-range goals and a systematic map for attaining those goals. District employees should work with their technical supervisor to develop a plan. Below are some resources that may be useful as staff develop their IDPs.
In order to enhance the professionalism and accountability of the conservation partnership's employees, a committee was formed to develop a training guide to be used across the state. The committee consisted of district supervisors, district employees, the division and NRCS.
The committee identified five areas in need of development: managerial, administrative, technical, educational and district supervisors. Training plans within each of these focal areas will consist of tiers to guide the training process. The committee realizes that each employee's training plan should be tailored to meet the specific employee's and/or county's needs, but many of the items listed are applicable to all employees.
The NC Conservation District Employees Association (NC CDEA) offers the Professional District Employees Program (PDEP). Details regarding their program and applications are available on the NC CDEA website.
Detailed information on in-person training events and on-demand training resources is available on the Training Page.