Soil & Water - Resources

Tab/Accordion Items

A list of commonly used acronyms for the conservation partnership is available.

The NC Farm Act of 2020 added North Carolina General Statute 139-8.2:

139-8.2 Certain information confidential.

(a) All information that is collected by soil and water conservation districts from farm owners, animal owners, agricultural producers or owners of agricultural land that is confidential under federal or State law shall beheld confidential by the soil and water conservation districts, including:

          (1)  Information provided by an agricultural producer or owner of agricultural land concerning the agricultural operation, farming or conservation practices, or the land itself, in order to participate in soil and water conservation programs.

          (2)  Geospatial information otherwise maintained by the district about agricultural lands or operations for which information described in subdivision (1) of this subsection is provided.

(b) This section shall not include applications for cost-share assistance and associated contract documents that require the approval of the soil and water conservation district or the Soil and Water Conservation Commission.  (2020-18, s. 10(a).)


The Department and the Division have worked to develop resources for local soil and water conservation districts related to this topic:

Local retention and disposition schedules are a tool for staff to use in managing public records in the district office.  Local soil and water conservation districts should adopt both the General Records Schedule for Local Government Agencies and the Soil and Water Conservation Districts schedule to cover management for all records.  

The schedules should be adopted by your board at a meeting; signed by the Chair and Department Head; and signature pages returned to the Records Analysis Unit with the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.  The schedules can then be used to manage your files.

Details and schedules are available on the State Archives website.

Local soil and water conservation districts that manage any, or all, of their own funds are subject to the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act.


Managers or Directors in local soil and water conservation districts play an important role...

  • In September 2020, a committee developed the Managerial Guidance Document; this resource contains information on district operations, determining work load and staffing needs, recruitment and employment, agreements, planning and more.
  • The Soil & Water Conservation Districts Management Tool has been developed as a self-assessment to manage, facilitate and generate ideas within the local district.  The tool was developed from resources available in Minnesota and Oregon.
  • Adapted from a paper in Harvard Business Review, here are seven questions for staff one-on-one meetings.

Local soil and water conservation districts are considered "public bodies" and are subject to Open Meetings Law.

Local soil and water conservation district files are subject to the NC Public Records Law

Documents are submitted to the Division by local soil and water conservation districts using the SharePoint platform.

The site may be accessed at - using your county email address and password; for first time access, contact

A quick list of naming conventions is available for site users.

Wikipedia for Districts is a resource for local soil and water conservation districts which includes a deadline calendar and live links to division forms

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