Structural Pest Control and Pesticides - Structural Annual Renewal Information and Fees

Licensees, Certified Applicators, and Registered Technicians are required to renew their credentials each year to continue to perform structural pest control services. Renewal packets are mailed to the licensee on or before May 1st each year for their license and all credentials linked to that license. Packets are required to be postmarked on or before June 30th to prevent credentials from lapsing. We recommend returning your renewal packet either in-person, or through a delivery service providing delivery tracking, to ensure your packet is received at headquarters on or before June 30th. Structural Pest Control years start on July 1st and continue to the following June 30th.

Annual Renewal Information and Fees

Tab/Accordion Items

A Registered Technician (RT) is employed by a Structural Pest Control Licensee to perform for-hire pest control services. Annual RT card renewals are performed by the license holder linked to that card.  

Fees for RT cards are:

  • New RT card (after attending RT school) - $40
  • RT card renewal - $40
  • Lost RT card - $5

A Certified Applicator (CA) is employed by a Structural Pest Control Licensee to perform for-hire pest control services. Annual CA card renewals are performed by either: the license holder linked to that card (employed CA card) or the CA themself (unemployed CA card). Certified applicators must recertify their card every 5 years.

Fees for CA cards are:

  • New CA card (after passing CA level exams) - $50
  • Addition of phase to CA card - $5
  • CA card renewal - $50
  • CA card transfer fee - $5
  • Lost CA card - $5

A Structural Pest Control Licensee can perform for-hire pest control services independently and oversee others performing pest control services. Licenses must be renewed annually by the license holder, and they must recertify their license every 5 years.

Fees for CA cards are:

  • New 1 phase License card (after passing License level exam(s)) - $200
    • Additional new License phase - $75
  • License card renewal
    • $200 for 1 phase 
    • $275 for 2 phases
    • $350 for 3 phases
  • License card transfer fee - $10
  • Lost License card - $5


For questions or if additional assistance is required, please contact the NCDA&CS Structural Pest Control Section at 984-236-4625.       Directions 

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