
  • Open to all residents of North Carolina.
  • Registration deadline is Sunday, September 15, 2024.
  • NC Substitute W-9 forms are required for prize money.
  • Deliver exhibits to the Commercial Building on Saturday, Oct. 12 and Sunday, October 13, 8:00am to 6:00pm.
  • Submit questions to: ncsfCompetitions@ncagr.gov
  • General Rules and Regulations of the Fair will govern this department.
  • Exhibits that are typically hung must be ready to hang with one wire hanger, not alligator hooks or saw-toothed hangers.
  • The age categories for child and teen are determined as of January 1, 2024.
  • Entries must be made by the exhibitor, and completed since the 2023 Fair.
  • One entry per person, per Class.
  • Entrant status definitions:
    • Professional - This division replaces the “Experienced” designation. A professional is considered anyone who earns income from selling their craft, or teaching their craft. This designation is also for expert or master craftsmen and repeat blue ribbon winners (3 blue ribbons won in a consecutive years in the same Class number).
    • Amateur - Any entrant who is not in the above category is considered an Amateur. This division replaces the “Novice” category in past competitions.

By clicking on the following buttons you are agreeing to the terms and conditions concerning social security numbers and all state fair rules and regulations.