Tab/Accordion Items

Description: The sealing and permanent closure of a supply well no longer in use. This practice serves to prevent entry of contaminated surface water, animals, debris or other foreign substances into the well. It also serves to eliminate the physical hazards of an open hole to people, animals and machinery.

CCAP Abandoned Well Closure Policy
Requirements for all CCAP Practices

Maintenance Period: 1 year

Additional Spot Check Requirements: Inspected within 9-12 months following closure to ensure surface water is properly diverted and closure is adequate.

BMP Units: Each
Cost Information: Actual cost - paid based on receipts. See CCAP Average Cost List for details. Maximum cost share amount $1,500 (75%).

CS2 Project Description examples

Expected Results: None

Reference Materials: 
NC-CCAP 11 Signature Page
Map with BMP location, fields, and roads

For RFP:
Well Abandonment Record (GW-30)

CS2 Common Components Units