Tab/Accordion Items

Description: Constructed systems that mimic the functions of natural wetlands.  A backyard wetland can temporarily store, filter, and clean runoff from a driveway, roof or lawn and thereby improve water quality.  The wetland should be expected to retain water or remain saturated for two-three weeks.

CCAP Backyard Wetland Policy
Requirements for all CCAP practices

Maintenance Period: 5 years single-family home, 10 years all other properties.

Additional Spot Check Requirements: None.

BMP Units: Square Feet
Cost Information: Most components are cost shared at 75% of average cost. See CCAP Average Cost List for details. 

CS2 Project Description examples

Expected Results: 

Reference Materials: 

For RFP:
Receipts for actual cost items

CS2 Common Components Units
Backyard wetland Job

Backyard rain garden/wetland (SWCC)

NRCS: None

Refer to the SWCC JAA Application Requirements for details.