Tab/Accordion Items

Description: A shallow depression in the ground that captures runoff from a driveway, roof or lawn and allows it to soak into the ground, rather than running across roads, capturing pollutants and delivering them to a stream. The rain garden absorbs and filters pollutants and returns cleaner water through the ground to nearby streams. Rain gardens can also reduce flooding by sending the water back underground, rather than into the street.

CCAP Backyard Rain Garden Policy
Requirements for all CCAP Practices

Maintenance Period: 5 years single-family home, 10 years all other properties.

Additional Spot Check Requirements: None

BMP Units: Square Feet
Cost Information: Most components are cost shared at 75% of average cost. See CCAP Average Cost List for details. 

CS2 Project Description examples

Expected Results: 

Reference Materials: 

For RFP:

CS2 Common Components Units
Excavation (including mobilization) CuYd
Bioretention soil amendment CuYd
Tripple shredded hardwood mulch CuYd
Bioretention plants (installed) SqFt
Vegetation (grass) - minimum Job

Backyard rain garden/wetland (SWCC)


Refer to the SWCC JAA Application Requirements for details.