Tab/Accordion Items

Description: A container that encourages pet owners to pick up after their animals in parks, neighborhoods, and apartment complexes so as to prevent waste from transported off-site by stormwater runoff.

CCAP Pet Waste Receptacle Policy
Requirements for all CCAP Practices

Maintenance Period: 10 years

Additional Spot Check Requirements: None

BMP Units: Number
Cost Information: Components are cost shared at 75% of actual cost. See CCAP Average Cost List for details. 

CS2 Project Description examples

Expected Results: None

Reference Materials: 
NC-CCAP 11 Signature Page
Map with BMP location, fields, and roads
Pet Waste Receptacle Operation & Maintenance Plan

For RFP:
Receipts for actual cost items.

CS2 Common Components Units
Receptacle (installed) Each
Receptacle (retrofit of existing trash can) Each
Plastic bags (per receptacle at time of original contracts) Job

None. Follow manufacturer's guidelines for installation.

NRCS: None

Refer to manufacturer's guidelines for installation.